At the site it is often seen the tensile test on the anchors or post installed rebars fixed with chemicals.
BuildIn provides qualified personnel to perform the tests, which are carried out using equipment that is calibrated regularly, with diameter range from 6mm to 50 mm diameter of anchor or rebar and tension forces from 100 kg to 60 tons.
Reasons To Perform Pull Out Test:
1. Determine the failure load of anchor or verification of supporting resistance of anchorage - by loading tests (stress test)
2. Tests carried out with perfectly calibrated test equipment and by competent and trained personnel.
3. Check the structural strength of the anchoring system or base material
4. The report is specific to the test carried out
Test Evaluation report:
BuildIn provide test evaluation report after the pull-out test is done. This test evaluation is done by our extremely trained and competent engineers. Test evaluation report helps in the determination of resistance of the calculated results and it helps in verification of the quality: assessment and confirmation